Monday, March 17, 2008

fail, fail again, fail better...

-- Samuel Beckett

saw this on a random writer's blog the other day. it's short and sweet, needs no real explanation. in fact, to explain why it spoke to me threatens foreclose the possible meanings for others...


beka said...

Bob Dylan speaks wisely of failure as well...

There's no success like failure, and failure is no success at all.

from Love Minus Zero/No Limit

Jim C-D said...

This quote looks familiar :)

I miss you man?

What does your summer look like?

Jim C-D said...

I meant,

I miss you, man!

Anonymous said...

I saw this quote in a book review last year and loved it. I tell my kids in lit class that it's enough to be moved by quotations. No need to always explain why. I'm enjoying reading your captain's log. Janine