Sunday, September 30, 2007


Ah my dear angry Lord, Since thou dost love, yet strike; Cast down, yet help afford; Sure I will do the like. I will complain, yet praise; I will bewail, approve; And all my sour-sweet days I will lament, and love.
-- George Herbert

Rainy and cold in Seattle today...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Good times and noodle salad...

Last week my Dad came out to help work on Epilogue for an entire week. Again, it was great to have him see and experience all that I'm going through with this project. He even got to spend an afternoon doing parts runs for's my least favorite thing to do, besides grinding fiberglass. He was a huge help and we spent many an hour laboring and dreaming about what is in store for this boat in the very near future. The last thing he said to me before he disappeared into the airport was "I'm proud of you." I think I knew that, but had been hoping to hear those words all week and even thought about asking him if he was proud of me at one point. That it came unsolicited made me want to jump out of my skin. Thank you. I only wish we'd taken more pictures. Mom will be disappointed we didn't.

Whaleback Marine Systems...

Part of what I've been working on for the past couple months is the electrical and mechanical systems. When my Dad was out here, we started the engine and she ran for over an hour at the dock, in gear, and was beautiful. Short of a couple minor changes, the engine is all plumbed, wired, aligned and ready for a little test cruise around Lake Union before she goes up to Everett. This we all did by ourselves and feel pretty good about the old Perkins workhorse.

I've also been working with an exceptional electrician to build the foundation of my electirccal system. This will be a 12v system with an inverter to change to 110V if I need to run something while away from the dock. The guy doing the electrical work is building a solid, redundant and protected system that will make it easy to operate and modify as the project moves on.

Fast Forward Fall...

Fall is fast approaching but summer seems to be holding on tight with 70+ degree days and plenty of sunshine. As Fall approaches, so does a very significant milestone for Epilogue. By the end of October, I hope to take the boat up to Everett under her own power, a major feat in it's own right, and step the 80' mast which has been lying up in the yard for over two years. This is a brand new mast and boom that was purchased by the previous owner before he handed her over to me. With equipment like this, it doesn't make sense not to finish her off well. There is well over 450' of Dyform Stainless Steel wire rope being ordered to complete the rig, along with a roller furlingn system for the genoa (the foresail of a sloop rig). The cost is staggering for sure, but compared to the cost of a new mast and boom, it's simply icing on the cake. Why go to a dance with a new dress and old ratty shoes?

She will be beautiufl, yes, she will be beautiful.