Monday, December 05, 2005

John and Kathy in the mix...

My parents were out for Thanksgiving this year and were able to come see the boat and help get her cleaned up a bit. We spent several hours organizing, vaccuming, sweeping, etc.. The boat is now ready for winter and ready for more work. It was so great to get my parents up there to see the progress. I continue to become more confident in the project and it's potential. Still a very long way to go, but I can see so much better these days.

Also, Dan and I got the generator (which we're planning on selling) fired up this weekend. She runs like a top. Hope to get some good cash for that beauty.

I've not had time to really think much about life the last few days, so for now it's not much more than a news report. Maybe later I'll have more to offer.

Peace Out

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