Saturday, January 28, 2006

Love will save the world...

...and I hope love will save my friend Clinton. Within the next four weeks or so, he will undergo open heart surgery, for the third time in a year. I can't imagine going through one of these surgeries, much less three in a row. I was with Clinton during his recovery from the first one last year and I'll take having my head cut open any day. Clinton was also with me the day I fell from the boat and was the one who dug my cell phone out of my pocket as I lay unconcious on the ground and called my parents with the news. He, among many, saved my life that day.

Clinton also found out he was to be a father just three days before his first surgery; and in September, after his second surgery to repair damage from the first, was able to witness the birth of River Lucas Wilson.

So now, he and his family wait for the day when he will have his chest and heart cut open yet again to repair his aortic valve. This time I pray he makes it through and will be able to witness his son grow up.

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