Sunday, January 08, 2006

Soul's Passage: A Sailing Adventure for Men

This is just a draft of some copy I'm thinking of using for one of the programs on the boat...

Men live much of their lives in quiet desperation and boredom, fulfilling responsibilities, raising families, amassing fortunes, and generally following the rules. Many times this widespread boredom finds relief in unhealthy and destructive ways, leaving fallout that spans generations, gender and culture. Creating a legacy of hidden fears and shattered souls that threatens to hollow the very core of who we are created to be. While our churches certainly mean well, the response to this crisis often teaches us to become disciplined rather than passionate, effective rather than creative and safe rather than free.

Join us as we hoist a sail to the wind and take a journey into the soul of a man. A journey into that which is most elemental and essential; To that which is most human and to that which we are most created for. Our deep exploration into story, calling and passion will take us into the waters of Puget Sound aboard the sailing yacht Epilogue where we will feast on fine food and stunning wildlife, learn to sail, and connect with each other aboard this unique floating community.

1 comment:

David said...

“quiet desperation and boredom”

Very Scott Fitzgerald isn’t it? Watch Fight Club again, and get a copy of the book (which I have not read) but the intro lines are incredible from what I recall. Or maybe it wasn’t the intro but was the lines about culture... and careers.

Also see Broke Back Mountain... Forget everything you’ve heard, the buzz is impenetrable. The movie has some of the best acting and writing of dialogue to come along in several years. Focus on the domestic lives and how communication is avoided.

Saw it yesterday.