Friday, February 03, 2006

bright smile dark eyes...

Man is only half himself. The other half is a bright thing. He tumbles on by luck or grace, for man is ever a blind thing. Bright smile...dark eyes. Everywhere I went, I was always looking for ya, bright smile dark eyes.

If you don't know Josh Ritter, I suggest you get to know him. He's got a new album coming out in the spring. But Hello Starling is brilliant. To think...this dude's only about 26 from Moscow, Idaho. Such a good kid.


Anonymous said...

...and a marathoner too. it truly is the best way to run -- with a tune in your head. what's not to like about this guy?

Mercurial Dreams said...

what? I didn't know he was a marathoner. How'd you find that out?

Anonymous said...

his website said he was running the phoenix marathon jan 15. I checked his time for fun. he ran a 3:32:41.
what song do you think he was banging out in his head about mile 22?